Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NaNoWriMo '11

Yep, it's that time of the year again. No, not my birthday. Well, yes, my birthday. But that's not the point. The point is that National Novel Writing Month, this November, is upon us! Thirty days to write a novel. How will I ever get done?

The novel I'm writing this year is the first book in the Lazulian Diaries trilogy. the info page is here. 
 I plan to finish it by the end of November, because it's not that long of a story. It;s the next books that are the hard ones.

Moving on, I have drafted character sheets, plot pyramids and done everything except write the damn thing. Except the prologue. The prologue was very fun. So, I'm gonna need a boatload of coffee, some inspiration, and some music. Can ya hook a brotha up?

Oh, one mroe thing. My NaNoWriMo profile is here.

'Till then, longevus et prosperabitur.

One More Time

This blog is for my WRITING. There's a chance that you won't see anything after the post after this. Anyway.

This is a blog for my official and non-official writing projects. Links to said projects will be present in the 'Links' page, once it's up. As of now, I have four projects on my hands, each getting its own page and description.

Alright, that sums it up. Next post, I describe myself entering NaNoWriMo '11. 'Till then, longevus et prosperabitur.